Monday Blues

Lazy but productive Sundays are the best types of Sundays. Throwing in a load of laundry between Curb Your Enthusiasm episodes is my definition of getting $#@* done without the whole “let me blast music and clean the absolute crud out of everything and ditch the workout since THIS will be my cardio”….CRINGE…that was not what I was about to do yesterday. Subtle cleaning was my aim. I cleaned up my room a little bit, dusted my picture frames and Windexed my glass trays…the devil is in the details.

Even though I slept in, had a nap, did some yoga and was an all around sloth – I am still so tired! GOD, MONDAYS JUST ABSOLUTELY KILL ME! I would love to be able to work four, ten hour days and then have Mondays off just to amp myself up for the week. Working on a Monday vs. Friday is much less appealing. On Friday you still have a touch more momentum.

I hope everyone has a great coming week…I only have two photos…I am very lame. I will be back this week with some good stuff. PROMISE!

Thanks for reading,

Hill XO


I found this photo on Pinterest to show you all my favorite yoga pose at the moment – Frog. It is VERY INTENSE and you feel quite vulnerable. I do this after my workout or after my practice and stay in it for about a minute. The blocks are detrimental since they help keep the upper body open and aligned. Make sure your knees make a 90 degree angle so you feel those inner thighs and pelvic bowl release a bit. Do this right before bed…when you come out of the pose, it feels amazing. 


My current lip favorite. This is much more nude than what it looks like on the lips. Bite makes such great colors and formulations. This is “Retsina”. I will try to feature a make up look with it this week! 

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My dog (Henry) on his favorite chair next to the Christmas tree. Such a love.